
元開発職→社内SE→派遣で営業支援の三流プログラマのIT技術メモ書き。 このメモが忘れっぽい自分とググってきた技術者の役に立ってくれれば幸いです。(jehupc.exblog.jpから移転中)








Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

Dim hashBase As String = "ハッシュにかける元の文字列"


Dim hashData As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(hashBase)


Dim md5 As New System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider()


Dim aryByte As Byte() = md5.ComputeHash(hashData)


Dim strBase32 As String = Base32Encode(aryByte)

Console.WriteLine("MD5 16進数文字列:" & BitConverter.ToString(aryByte))

Console.WriteLine("MD5 Base32化文字列:" & strBase32)


Dim bytDecode As Byte() = Base32Decode(strBase32)

Console.WriteLine("Base32デコード16進数文字列:" & BitConverter.ToString(bytDecode))

End Sub


''' Byte型配列からBASE32への変換


''' Base32化するバイト型配列

''' Base32化された文字列(25文字のみ。最後の1文字は含めない)


Public Function Base32Encode(ByVal aryByte As Byte()) As String


Dim j As Integer = 0


Dim nextShift As UInteger = 0


Dim Key As UInteger() = New UInteger(25) {}

For i As Integer = 0 To 24

If nextShift > 0 Then


Dim shift_a As UInteger = CUInt(aryByte(j)) >> CInt(nextShift)


Dim res_before As UInteger = shift_a And CUInt(Math.Pow(2, 5)) - 1


If 8 - nextShift < 5 Then

j += 1

Dim shift_b As UInteger = CUInt(aryByte(j)) << CInt((8 - nextShift))

Dim res_next As UInteger = shift_b And CUInt(Math.Pow(2, 5)) - 1


Dim res As UInteger = res_before + res_next


Key(i) = res


nextShift = 5 - (8 - nextShift)

Continue For



Key(i) = res_before

If nextShift + 5 < 8 Then


nextShift = nextShift + 5



nextShift = 0

j += 1

End If

Continue For

End If


Dim res As UInteger = CUInt(aryByte(j)) And CUInt(Math.Pow(2, 5)) - 1


Key(i) = res

End If

nextShift = 5

Continue For



Dim keyString As String = ""

For i As Integer = 0 To 24

keyString += CharBase32Encode(Key(i))


Return keyString

End Function


''' Base32形式の文字列をバイト型配列にデコードする


''' Base32形式の文字列

''' バイト型配列(最後の桁の値はエンコード時の桁落ちの関係上使えないので注意)


Private Function Base32Decode(ByVal strBase32 As String) As Byte()


Dim chrPrdID As Char() = strBase32.ToCharArray()


Dim bytPrdID(25) As Byte

For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(chrPrdID)

bytPrdID(i) = CharBase32Decode(chrPrdID(i))



Dim key(15) As Byte


Dim j As Integer = 0


Dim nextShift As Integer = 0


Dim hasDigit As Integer = 0

For i As Integer = 0 To 24


If (nextShift = 0) Then

key(j) = bytPrdID(i)

nextShift = 5

hasDigit = 5



key(j) += CType(bytPrdID(i) << nextShift, Byte)

If (8 - hasDigit >= 5) Then

'現在処理中のbytPrdIDの5桁まるまま処理対象とするときは +5

hasDigit += 5



hasDigit += (8 - hasDigit)

End If


If (hasDigit >= 8) Then


nextShift = 8 - nextShift

hasDigit = 5 - nextShift

j += 1


key(j) += CType(bytPrdID(i) >> nextShift, Byte)


nextShift = 5 - nextShift



nextShift = hasDigit

End If

End If


Return key

End Function


''' 数値をBase32方式に変換する


''' 変換元の数値(0-31)

''' 変換後の文字(A-Z(I,O除く)と2-9)

Private Function CharBase32Encode(ByVal value As UInteger) As Char

Dim chr As Char

Select Case value

Case 0

chr = "A"c

Exit Select

Case 1

chr = "B"c

Exit Select

Case 2

chr = "C"c

Exit Select

Case 3

chr = "D"c

Exit Select

Case 4

chr = "E"c

Exit Select

Case 5

chr = "F"c

Exit Select

Case 6

chr = "G"c

Exit Select

Case 7

chr = "H"c

Exit Select

Case 8

chr = "I"c

Exit Select

Case 9

chr = "J"c

Exit Select

Case 10

chr = "K"c

Exit Select

Case 11

chr = "L"c

Exit Select

Case 12

chr = "M"c

Exit Select

Case 13

chr = "N"c

Exit Select

Case 14

chr = "O"c

Exit Select

Case 15

chr = "P"c

Exit Select

Case 16

chr = "Q"c

Exit Select

Case 17

chr = "R"c

Exit Select

Case 18

chr = "S"c

Exit Select

Case 19

chr = "T"c

Exit Select

Case 20

chr = "U"c

Exit Select

Case 21

chr = "V"c

Exit Select

Case 22

chr = "W"c

Exit Select

Case 23

chr = "X"c

Exit Select

Case 24

chr = "Y"c

Exit Select

Case 25

chr = "Z"c

Exit Select

Case 26

chr = "2"c

Exit Select

Case 27

chr = "3"c

Exit Select

Case 28

chr = "4"c

Exit Select

Case 29

chr = "5"c

Exit Select

Case 30

chr = "6"c

Exit Select

Case 31

chr = "7"c

Exit Select

Case Else

chr = "="c

Exit Select

End Select

Return chr

End Function


''' Base32方式を数値(Byte)に変換する


''' 変換対象のBase32文字

''' 変換後の数値

Private Function CharBase32Decode(ByVal value As Char) As Byte

Dim by As Byte

Select Case value

Case "A"c

by = 0

Exit Select

Case "B"c

by = 1

Exit Select

Case "C"c

by = 2

Exit Select

Case "D"c

by = 3

Exit Select

Case "E"c

by = 4

Exit Select

Case "F"c

by = 5

Exit Select

Case "G"c

by = 6

Exit Select

Case "H"c

by = 7

Exit Select

Case "I"c

by = 8

Exit Select

Case "J"c

by = 9

Exit Select

Case "K"c

by = 10

Exit Select

Case "L"c

by = 11

Exit Select

Case "M"c

by = 12

Exit Select

Case "N"c

by = 13

Exit Select

Case "O"c

by = 14

Exit Select

Case "P"c

by = 15

Exit Select

Case "Q"c

by = 16

Exit Select

Case "R"c

by = 17

Exit Select

Case "S"c

by = 18

Exit Select

Case "T"c

by = 19

Exit Select

Case "U"c

by = 20

Exit Select

Case "V"c

by = 21

Exit Select

Case "W"c

by = 22

Exit Select

Case "X"c

by = 23

Exit Select

Case "Y"c

by = 24

Exit Select

Case "Z"c

by = 25

Exit Select

Case "2"c

by = 26

Exit Select

Case "3"c

by = 27

Exit Select

Case "4"c

by = 28

Exit Select

Case "5"c

by = 29

Exit Select

Case "6"c

by = 30

Exit Select

Case "7"c

by = 31

Exit Select

Case Else

by = 32

Exit Select

End Select

Return by

End Function


MD5 16進数文字列:65-F6-75-B3-CF-48-B7-9D-1D-4F-E9-70-F1-68-8C-6B






CharBase32Encode メソッドと CharBase32Decode メソッドについて、select caseでやるのではなく、あらかじめ配列に添え字と対応する形で文字を入れておいて、それを参照したほうがいいとの意見があってので、載せときます。たしかに、そっちのほうがプロ的ですな。
