# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utconfig Continue ([y]/n)? y ←スクリプトを続行するかどうか Enter Sun Ray admin password: ←管理者パスワード Re-enter Sun Ray admin password: ←管理者パスワード Configure Sun Ray Web Administration? ([y]/n)? ←SunRayWeb管理の構成をするかどうか Enter Apache Tomcat installation directory [/opt/apache-tomcat]: ←tomcatへのパス Enter HTTP port number [1660]: ←WebサーバポートNo Enable secure connections? ([y]/n)? ←HTTPSを有効にするか Enter HTTPS port number [1661]: ←HTTPSのポート番号 Enter Tomcat process username [utwww]: ←Tomcatプロセスのユーザ名 Enable remote server administration? (y/[n])? y ←リモート管理を有効にするか(有効にしておいた) Configure Sun Ray Kiosk Mode? (y/[n])? y ←キオスクモードを構成するか(今回SRWCを使ってWindowsサーバへ接続するので必須) Enter user prefix [utku]: ←キオスクモード時のユーザの接頭辞 Enter group [utkiosk]: ←キオスクモード時のグループ Enter userID range start [150000]: ←キオスクモード時のユーザIDの範囲の始まり Enter number of users [25]: 220 ←キオスクモード時のユーザ数 Configure this server for a failover group? (y/[n])? y ←フェイルオーバーグループを構成するか(今回をyにする) Continue ([y]/n)? y Enter signature: ←シグネチャを登録(任意の文字列。フェールオーバーサーバー間のキー?) Re-enter signature:
# sync;sync;sync;reboot
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utreplica -p セカンダリサーバのホスト名 Sun Ray Core Services 4.1 Administration Failover Configuration Converting Administration Standalone Server to Administration Primary ### updating the SRDS config file ...done Stopping Sun Ray Data Store daemon Sun Ray Data Store daemon stopped Starting Sun Ray Data Store daemon . Tue Dec 30 09:36 : utdsd starting Starting utpushd daemon Restarting Sun Ray Core Services ... stopping authentication manager starting session manager starting device manager starting printer service starting serial service starting authentication manager Configuration of Failover Administration has completed. Please check the log file, /var/adm/log/utreplica.2014_12_30_09:36:54.log, for errors.
# cat /etc/hosts SunSV1 loghost SunSV1-e1000g1 SunSV2
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utreplica -s プライマリのホスト名 Sun Ray Core Services 4.1 Administration Failover Configuration Converting Administration Standalone Server to Administration Secondary Examination of the local datastore has detected existing administration data. Completion of this operation will overwrite that data. Continue (y/[n])? y Stopping Sun Ray Data Store daemon Sun Ray Data Store daemon stopped ### updating the Datastore init file ...already configured with port 7012 ### updating the SRDS config file ...done ### updating the system services file ...done ### updating the SunRay admin config file ...done Starting Sun Ray Data Store daemon . Tue Dec 30 09:38 : utdsd starting Restarting Sun Ray Core Services ... stopping authentication manager starting session manager starting device manager starting printer service starting serial service starting authentication manager Configuration of Failover Administration has completed. Please check the log file, /var/adm/log/utreplica.2014_12_30_09:38:10.log, for errors.
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utreplica -l Sun Ray Core Services 4.1 Administration Failover Configuration (プライマリサーバ側だと以下のような結果) SunSV1 is a primary server for: SunSV2 (セカンダリサーバ側だと以下のような結果) SunSV2 is a secondary server The primary server is: SunSV1